On this day September 11, 1973

A CIA backed coup in Chile headed by General Augusto Pinochet topples the democratically elected President Salvador Allende. Pinochet remains in power for almost 17 years. The Chilean coup d’état of 1973 was a watershed event in the history of Chile and the Cold War. Historians and partisans alike have wrangled over its implications ever since.

Chilean presidential palace bombed on September 11, 1973

Chilean presidential palace bombed

On September 11, 1973, less than two months after the first failed coup attempt (Tanquetazo), and less than a month after the Chamber of Deputies, where the Opposition held a majority, condemned Allende’s alleged breaches of the constitution, the Chilean military overthrew president Salvador Allende, who died during the coup.

US intervention in Chilean politics and support to opponents of Allende, including support for an assassination, has been documented by the declassification in 1998 of documents concerning the Project FUBELT operations, although its exact nature is still controversial. General Augusto Pinochet took over and established an anti-communist military dictatorship which lasted until 1990.

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  1. Chile (1973) | SS30-1Sgt.foster - November 19, 2010